What is Heritage?
What is Heritage?
Historic places which are highly valued as both a record of local heritage and a contribution to character are under threat from development pressures.
Conserving our heritage
Conservation work is generally concerned with the protection of fabric and enhancing the significance of a heritage place. Such work has become increasingly important and popular, but each place is different, so a variety of approaches and techniques for conservation are required.
Refer to the State Government website for more information.
Owning a heritage place
If you own, or plan to purchase, a heritage listed place you may have some concerns about how listing will affect your use and enjoyment of it. Some people fear that anything they do to the property will reduce its significance and most people fear the possible restrictions that heritage listing may impose on their ownership.
Refer to the State Government website for more information.
Hahndorf State Heritage Area
Please refer to the State Government website for information.
Heritage Incentive Scheme
To find out more about the Heritage Incentive Scheme, visit the Heritage Incentive Scheme page www.mountbarker.sa.gov.au/heritageincentivescheme
Is my house heritage listed?
Click on the following link to find out if your house is heritage listed: maps.sa.gov.au/heritagesearch
Heritage Studies
The information in Heritage Studies forms the basis for heritage listing. Not all recommendations in the Heritage Studies translate into State, Local Heritage Places, Representative Items, Historic Conservation Areas and State Heritage Areas.