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Proposed Recycled Water Storage Facility

Planning Approval Process - Lodgement

A development application that illustrates the proposed details of the facility will be lodged with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI). The application will include detailed plans and Council’s planning report. The planning report needs to justify why this development is appropriate in this area and why there will not be any detrimental impacts on the environment and neighbouring properties.

We anticipate the application will be lodged by the end of the year.

DPTI Planners undertake a detailed and independent planning assessment of the proposal against Development Plan policy.

DPTI will forward the application to a range of government agencies for their review. This is likely to include the Department of Environment and Water, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Planning Approval Process – Consultation

Concurrently, DPTI releases the application for public consultation. A Public Notice will be published in the local paper. In addition, Council commits to informing the local community associations on the timing of the public notice.

Community members have 15 days to provide a response. Responses can be in favour or opposed to the development.

If you desire, you can request to address the independent State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) members in support of your written submission.

Planning Approval – Decision Making

After considering community and government agency comments DPTI/SCAP finalise their assessment.

DPTI/SCAP then provide advice to the Minister for Planning. This can include any planning conditions that should be imposed on the development.

Minister for Planning makes a decision.

Next Steps

  • Development application
  • Business case
  • Prudential report
  • Procurement including detailed design and contract award
  • Timing – aim to achieve practical completion by end 2020/early 2021

Further Information

Please contact Brian Clancey, Deputy CEO/General Manager, Wastewater and Recycled Water via telephone on 8391 7218 or email at

Mount Barker District Council is proposing to expand its existing recycled water infrastructure network by constructing a recycled water storage facility on Back Callington Road (refer location plan below).

This new facility would be additional to the existing council facility located on Little Dublin Road East, adjacent to the Bald Hills Road freeway interchange at Mount Barker.

The proposed new facility would be owned and operated by Council. It would be connected to the existing council recycled water pipeline which runs from Mount Barker to Callington.

The objective of council is to maximize the productive use of recycled water and to supply recycled water to new customers for primary production purposes leading to a range of community benefits such as the generation of employment, both permanent and seasonal.

For further information please contact Brian Clancey, Deputy CEO/General Manager, Wastewater and Recycled Water via telephone 8391 7218 or email

A recycled water storage facility with capacity for 450 – 500 Megalitres of recycled water from Council’s Waste Water Treatment Plant. This new facility would be additional to the existing council facility located on Little Dublin Road East, adjacent to the Bald Hills Road freeway interchange at Mount Barker.

The current council storage facility has capacity for 115 – 120 Megalitres of recycled water.

On Back Callington Road, near Callington.

Location Plan Recycled Water Storage Facility

Council will be responsible for procurement, and to own and operate the facility.

The objective of council is to maximise the productive use of recycled water and to supply recycled water to new customers for primary production purposes leading to a range of community benefits such as the generation of employment, both permanent and seasonal.

Subject to required processes and approvals, the target is to commence construction in late Autumn 2020 and to achieve practical completion of the facility in late 2020/early 2021.

The project will be staged:

Stage 1 is the completion of the recycled water storage facility and connection to the existing council recycled water pipeline that runs from Mount Barker to Callington.

Stage 2 is the construction of augmentation infrastructure from the storage facility to nearby land parcels for use.

Preliminary estimate of cost is in the order of $6.5 - $7million. Minister Tim Whetstone announced a State Government grant funding offer of $1.25 million via the Regional Growth Fund to contribute to the cost of building the facility.

  • Employment generation – during construction and post construction;
  • Drought-proof farm land;
  • Secure a long term disposal path for, and productive use of, recycled water.