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Main Street Revitalisation


A significant upgrade of Hahndorf’s historic Main Street was identified as a key priority in 2018 when Council endorsed the Hahndorf Township Plan after extensive community consultation. The need for the upgrade is driven by a number of factors:

  • Ageing, and in places, failing infrastructure including seating, footpaths, kerb and landscaping; and
  • Ever-increasing tourism activity, creating pressure for continued investment to ensure the public realm keeps pace with private investment occurring in the street.

Design and scope of work

Following broad community consultation in late 2019, detailed concept plans have been prepared and endorsed by Council (2 November 2020). To view a copy of the detailed concept report see Hahndorf Mainstreet  Revitalisation.  To view a copy of the masterplan see Hahndorf Masterplan.

Community feedback has been essential to shape the design plans for the Main Street’s revitalisation.

The scope of the project includes:

  • Upgraded footpaths
  • New pedestrian lighting
  • New streetscape furniture (including seats, banner signs, public art and bins)
  • Additional landscaping
  • Provision for smart technology (e.g. sensors, WiFi, CCTV and similar).

Heritage considerations

Council is working closely with State Heritage on the design concept as much of the Main Street is State Heritage Listed. Council and State Heritage are committed to ensuring that the revitalisation of the Main Street complements and enhances Hahndorf’s heritage assets. The installation of interpretive signage to better tell the story of Hahndorf’s rich history along the Main Street is also under consideration.

Traffic and parking

Council is currently working with the SA Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) on the design and potential inclusion of Council's Main Street Revitalisation project within the State and Federally funded Hahndorf Traffic Improvements Project. Traffic and car parking are a core components of the Hahndorf Township Improvements and Access Upgrade Project and Council staff are working collaboratively with DIT to achieve a desirable outcome.

To find out more about the DIT traffic study and project and to sign up for updates and community consultation visit:

Funding and next steps

Council requires external funding in order to start work on the Main Street. Following further detailed concept work preliminary cost estimates are in the order of $8m.

Council has submitted a number of funding applications to the State and Federal Governments, however, at this stage the project remains unfunded. Council will continue to pursue funding opportunities through the State and Federal Governments as well as through private investment to enable construction of the project.

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