Transport Lead Strategy
Mount Barker District Council has adopted the Mount Barker Community Plan 2020-2035 to guide growth and development throughout the district and individual towns.
The Community Plan establishes a 15 year horizon for planning, with works to deliver the goals and objectives of Council being regularly reviewed. The Community Plan requires the development of Lead Strategies to identify the specific actions needed to implement the Plan and realise the anticipated growth within the whole of the Mount Barker district.
In 2022, Council consulted on the Transport Lead Strategy which was later adopted at the Council meeting on 5 September 2022. View the collated feedback from the consultation here.
The objective of this Lead Strategy is to ensure our transport infrastructure aligns with growth in the district, enhances the connectivity of our community, encourages active transport, supports the safe & efficient movement of traffic both within the district and between regions, promotes the use of public transport and provides for future technologies in a sustainable way.
This Lead Strategy sets the foundations for how we plan to manage transport in Mount Barker. Six core themes have been identified to underpin Council’s vision for transport.
These themes will be developed to form the basis of future specific action plans. These themes are:
- Road Network Management
- Active Transport
- Road Safety
- Parking
- Public Transport
- Technology and Innovation
Each theme, while related, will be progressed as individual strategic action plans and include discussion on the existing position, guiding principles & strategies, identify issues/ opportunities and guide the prioritisation of Council’s investment in transport infrastructure and initiatives.
Council made a written submission to the Select Committee on Public and Active Transport in August 2022.
Submission to the Select Committee on Public and Active Transport