Swimming Pools and Spas
Public swimming pools and spas
Owners and operators of public swimming pools and spas are required to comply with the requirements of the South Australian Public Health (General) Regulations 2013 and Standard for the Operation and Maintenance of Swimming Pools and Spa Pools in South Australia. Council’s Environmental Health Officers undertake routine inspections of public swimming pools and spas to ensure compliance and take enforcement action if required.
Public pools include pools for use:
- by persons on payment of an admission or membership fee
- in association with temporary accommodation (for example a hotel, motel or caravan park)
- by persons who attend, live or work on the premises where the pool is located, excluding pools associated with a single private residence that are only made available for the use of the residents and their guests
Swimming pool backwash water discharge
In order to protect our environment backwash water from both domestic and commercial pools must be disposed of in an appropriate manner. In areas serviced by council’s Community Wastewater Management System (CWMS) the backwash water should be connected directly after the septic tank via a 100mm flood gully for disposal via the connection point. Properties not connected to CWMS or sewer require a sub-surface designated disposal area to be set up in accordance with council requirements
New pools
Persons wishing to install a new pool or requiring information about backwash drainage should contact Council on (08) 8391 7200.
Quick links (further information)
Standard for the Operation and Maintenance of Swimming Pools and Spa Pools in South Australia - www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
South Australian Public Health (General) Regulations 2013 - www.legislation.sa.gov.au
SA Health – Public swimming pools and spa pools - www.sahealth.sa.gov.au