Food Safety & Standards
Food safety and standards in the Mount Barker district are regulated by Council’s Environmental Health Team. Here are some of the key activities and responsibilities associated with this statutory role:
- Receiving and processing Food Business Notifications: Food businesses are required to notify Council of their existence and activities. This notification allows Council to keep track of food establishments and ensure they meet safety standards.
- Surveillance of food business: Council conduct regular inspections and surveillance of food businesses to check for compliance with food safety laws and regulations. These inspections help identify and rectify any violations.
- Follow-ups of consumer complaints: When consumers report issues related to poor food handling, contamination, or other concerns about food safety, Council investigate these complaints to determine if there are any violations or unsafe practices occurring in a food establishment.
- Follow-up of confirmed food poisoning: When cases of foodborne illness or food poisoning are confirmed, Council investigate the source of the outbreak to prevent further harm and ensure corrective actions are taken by the implicated food business.
- Providing advice on fit-out of new food premises or upgrades: Council often provide guidance and advice to businesses that are setting up new food premises or making significant upgrades. This advice helps ensure that the premises are designed and equipped to meet food safety standards.
- Providing general food safety advice: Council offer educational resources and advice to residents, businesses, and community organisations to promote food safety awareness and best practices.
These functions are crucial in maintaining food safety, protecting public health, and ensuring that businesses in the food industry adhere to established regulations and standards. The specific responsibilities and procedures may vary depending on the SA Food Business Risk Classification Food Premises Risk Classification ( of the business, so it's essential for food businesses and individuals to be aware of and comply with the food safety laws and regulations relevant to the business.
South Australia’s food safety legislation has recently undergone significant changes. The new legislation consists of:
- Food Act 2001
- Food Safety Standards
- 3.1.1 – Interpretation & Application
- 3.2.2 – Food Safety Practices & General Requirements Standard
- 3.2.2A - Food Safety Management Tools
- 3.2.3 – Premises and Equipment Food
Please visit the SA Health website to find out if your business is captured by the new standard and for more resources.
For further information please contact Council’s Environmental Health Team on telephone (08) 8391 7200.
Food Allergens
Food allergy is a serious health concern, with the potential to cause illness and even be life-threatening. The most severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, can be a matter of life and death. Food businesses play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of consumers with food allergies. It is their responsibility to declare and manage allergens in their products, respond promptly to recall requirements, and effectively quarantine recalled products to protect the health and well-being of all consumers.
Please refer to the SA Health website for more information about allergen information for food businesses.
Free allergen management training is available at
Links to related sites
For additional information on food safety legislation, industry-specific fact sheets, labelling requirements, and general food safety topics, you may find the following links to other organisations useful:
SA Health - The current version of the Food Act 2001, Food Regulations 2002 and Food Safety Standards can be viewed on the SA Health website:
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Acts and Regulations - The current version of the Food Act 2001 and Food Regulations 2002 can be viewed on the Parliament SA's website: