Hoarding and Domestic Squalor
Compulsive hoarding and severe domestic squalor(SDS) can affect some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
Cases of hoarding and SDS are complex situations which are often caused by underlying issues. Resolving cases of SDS requires a co-ordinated management approach from local authorities, government sectors, interest groups and available health services.
Environmental Health Officers(EHOs) are responsible under the Public Health Act 2011 and South Australian Public Health (Severe Domestic Squalor Policy) 2013 to deal with cases of SDS. Procedures to prevent or manage SDS are outlined in the SA Health Guideline - A Foot in the Door.
How to report a suspected case of hoarding or squalor
Contact our Environmental Health Officers on (08) 8391 7200 or email the Health Team at health@mountbarker.sa.gov.au
Quick links (further info)
SA Public Health Act 2011 - www.legislation.sa.gov.au
SA Severe Domestic Squalor Policy - www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
A Foot in the Door Guideline - www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
Local Authorised Officers - www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
SA Health - Severe Domestic Squalor - www.sahealth.sa.gov.au