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Burke Urban Investments Masterplan

Feedback from 2021 and site investigation results have been incorporated into a revised Master Plan, leading to changes such as increased public space, amended car parking arrangements and lower density adjoining the square.

Adjustments include removal of basement parking and, multi-deck car park, increased public space, lower density development, and improved retail edges for better precinct activation.
Council and BUI considered the received feedback and also undertook further site investigations and workshops. The majority of the community feedback focussed on the presented size of the Town Square (“too small”) and car parking (“not enough”) as well as development density (“too much; no multi deck”).

The following changes have been made to the master plan:

* Removal of basement car parking (too costly due to ground water)
* Increase of public space with a core of 1,500m2 with an adjoining piazza as expansion space; adjoining roads can also be closed for larger events
* Lower density development, gradually increasing scale towards Druids Avenue
* Improved retail edges along Town Square for better activation of precinct\

Car Parking

After further on-site investigations, including geo-technical investigations, it became apparent that the originally proposed car parking design and layout (substantial underground car parking) was too costly due to unexpected high groundwater.

Consequently, car parking options to cover the project site as well as Mount Barker as a whole were examined. A purpose-built multi-deck car park on site was considered not to be viable for the site. Council will consider a number of potential off-site solutions for staff working on the site to maximise visitor parking.

Integrated Community Hub (Library)

A range of community facilities on the site will be considered and included in extensive community engagement with a community reference group.

For more information or investment enquiries visit Burke Urban Investments' website.